
Weekly update 9/11/2017

Hey guys and welcome again! 

I have been thinking and decided to have a fresh start for my blog before I actually start to blog religiously. I am a total perfectionist and the old design was always a problem for me. I thank Serena from @prettywildthings for this bomb design!
So what is new? My boyfriend left Barcelona two weeks ago to start his study, and I have been living in Barcelona now for about over a month. I want to show you guys the little hotspots with the best views, amazing restaurants and other things next to the usual touristic activities. I met an amazing group of girls from all around the world that I will be exploring these things with! So, stay tuned J
Just to mention, this blog will not only contain travel content, but also weekly updates of my current adventure abroad, my balanced diet and fitness lifestyle and makeup related topics. So for everyone who isn’t into traveling, maybe the fitness journey I am pursuing is a more exciting topic for you! ;-)
On that note, I am currently studying a lot of different things that I have always been interested in. My Swedish friend Linnea is  teaching me how to properly use my camera and I am also watching a ton of tutorials to get the math behind the camera. I am loving it! So will see and hear a lot about our little photo adventures.
There were lot of things happening and there hasn’t been a day where I haven’t been out and about to explore Barcelona. Gladly, I will share it all with you here.
I hope you are having a good start in the week and don’t forget to subscribe to the blog to be updated on my newest adventures.



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