
Weekend Roadtrip Stop: Tarragona, Spain

Hola guys,
and welcome to part number two! If you haven't read the first part of our weekend roadtrip, just look at the previous post. This time I tell you a little bit about our time in Tarragona followed by the last Roadtrip stop: Montserrat!

After exploring Sitges, we head down South to Tarragona. We didn’t know much about the town, we actually didn’t look up anything to be just surprised by the places we visited. It only took us about an hour to arrive in Tarragona and we decided to finally check out what we can actually see there. We wouldn’t be disappointed!
Tarragonas Roman ruins of Tarraco were located right in front of the sea and it was just amazing to look at. We decided to stay at the beach after and it was so quiet! Amazing. The water was not only clearer than in Barcelona, but in general there were only a few people around us spending the day at the beach. For the very first time we could see fishes in the water that were even nubbling on our feet. We decided to spent the rest of the day there and then find a nice place to eat.

Now the fun part of the story begins. Spanish people eat in general veeery late. We did not have any snacks with us, neither did we have any lunch which meant we didn’t eat since 10 am. As it turned 6pm, I started to get Hangry. When I mean hangry, I really really mean hangry. I am turning into a real bitch when I don’t eat when I am really hungry and as we spent the whole day in the water I haven’t realized how hungry I was.
Every place we went to either: did not serve any food at 6-7pm or were completely closed until 8.30 pm.
So we did, what no tourist, or any person should ever do on their trip and I tell you now, so you learn:
  • Do not eat in Restaurants with pictures in front of it
  • Do not eat at Restaurants where they try to convince you to eat there
  • Do not eat at Restaurants that claim to offer Spanish food as for examples Paellas, but it is actually an Asian restaurant

So guys, as desperate as we were, we went and did all of them above. And it was a huge mistake. Not only did we laugh our asses off after, but the food was just clearly not good. As we left the restaurant, there were sooo many delicious places open, and there was even a food truck festival in the middle of the square. Welp, next time we will be more patience. Please take my tips as a warning!

At least we enjoyed some delicious freshly made Churros afterwards, and we head home to Barcelona.

12 Kommentare:

  1. This sounds like the best road trip ever!

  2. Oh my goodness! I wish I could go on a weekend trip to Tarragona! It is so so beautiful! I love these photos.

    xo, Taylor || The Millennial Sprinkle (thesprinkle.tayloramead.com)

  3. Looks amazing! would love to visit someday! :)

  4. I so appreciate your tips about waiting to eat! haha I'll make sure to plan when I visit.

    Tori || Victori Media


    1. Yes, usually the tourists fall into this trap, and unfortunately in being so desperate, we did too! haha

  5. Your pictures are beautiful! Hope you had fun – I can definitely see struggling with getting hungry in a country where they eat dinner very late! I am always hungry!

    1. Yes its insane! Usually they eat at 10 pm which is already considered bed time for me!

  6. Spain is one of my favorite countries in the world! Looks like you're having a great time!

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes
