
Weekend Roadtrip Stop: Montserrat, Spain

Hey guys,
I am back from Tel Aviv and ready to tell you all about it! But before I do so, I would like to tell you about the last part of our weekend roadtrip adventure a few weeks ago.
So lets start :)

After we safely parked the car a few blocks away, we decided to head over to Montserrat the next day. But first, we had amazing brunch at Brunch & Cake, my all time favorite Brunch place to fuel our bodies. This time we learned from our mistakes and took some fruits and nuts to snack with us to survive the day.
Montserrat was 45 minutes away from Barcelona and driving there went pretty smoothly until the last 5 minutes up the mountain. We got into a traffic jam, which took us almost another 45 minutes to get out of. We basically entered the paid parking zone, which we regretted instantly as it took as almost an hour to find a parking place. Insane. We drove the same rode 6-7 times to find a parking place around it. As we almost started to give up, we finally found someone that left the place and had the perfect parking spot for the car. Woohoo!

My tip: Either book a trip with a bus company to get up there or if you decide to take the car park it on the way up. There will be space available on the side of the road, but be aware that you will hike the rest of the time. Another way would be to take the cable car Aeri de Montserrat which brings you all the way up and you can park your car safely close to the station, without having the trouble to get up the mountain. You can find the costs and timetables here.

I have been to Montserrat before but never actually remembered it until I was back up there. (Thanks to all the drinking we did on our class trip)
The view was stunning and with all the fresh air I finally felt like breathing again.
It was pretty busy up there but still, it took me a bit away from the craziness of Barcelona. If you haven´t guessed it yet, I like Barcelona but I don’t love it. I have been traveling to far nicer places before. Living in Barcelona is what made me realize that it wasn’t my favorite place to be. Anyway, we explored the area, took a bunch of photos and decided to hike around the area. I can highly recommend it! We were blessed with an amazing view and enjoyed our time in nature.

24 Kommentare:

  1. Oh wow!! What a once in a lifetime adventure you got to go on!!!

    xoxo A

    1. Yes, grateful I have so many opportunities to travel around the world! :)

  2. These pictures are breathtaking! I want to visit here so badly. Thanks for posting these.

    1. Thank you :), you definitely should!! Its beautiful up there

  3. Wow, these pictures are stunning! This sounds absolutely amazing.

  4. This looks incredible! I would love to travel more!

    1. You should! :) I always save up a lot of money to travel around. :) Next stop I will be moving to Bali and Bangkok :)

  5. That VIEW! Sooo amazing! Spain is such a beautiful country, there is soo much to see!

    1. Thank you, yes for sure! Have been to Spain so many times in my life already, thought might as well move here for a bit :D

  6. Your pictures are absolutely stunning! The view is amazing!

  7. So gorgeous! Adding Montserrat to my travel bucket list.

  8. Wow this place is beautiful! Enjoy!

    xoxo, Paige

  9. Love this! I've always wanted to travel to Spain and the view of Montserrat looks amazing.

    1. Yes, you should go and travel to Spain :) Its worth it!

  10. Oh man this looks amazing! Living vicariously through you!

  11. I have never been to this part of Spain, but then again, I can't imagine NOT loving every part of Spain! These photos are stunning! Looks like you had a wonderful time!

    1. I love Spain, especially the nature there! Reminds me a lot of California
