
My 5 New Year's Resolution

Hello 2018 and goodbye 2017!

I haven’t been posting since I have left Barcelona so it’s definitely time to update you guys again. 2017 has given me so many opportunities to travel, tough days that only consisted of working and university, shitty and good moments. 2017 had its ups and downs but the ups definitely overweight. I am so excited what 2018 has in store!
As I have a bit of OCD, I was sooo happy that 2018 started exactly on a Monday. I think this is the perfect clean cut and the start to work on the goals for 2018!

So here are my five New Year's resolution:

1. A Healthier Balance

This year has been crazy in terms of my fitness and health journey.
There were months I would restrict myself too much, count every little calorie and then there are days, like these holidays, that I would eat and eat and eat and don’t give a damn about any calories. There are weeks I am crazy about my workouts and then there are weeks I am so unmotivated but still drag myself into the gym.
I noticed that I needed a healthier balance between my two extremes. I decided to let myself take a little gym break the past week and learn more about flexible dieting. When I lived in the States, I never restricted my mind in terms of my health. The balance I gained while living there not only helped me to lose 50 pounds, my entire mindset and mental health was in a much better state. Therefore, I have the goal to continue living a healthier lifestyle but in a sense that makes sense to live by moment for moment. I don’t want to give in any radical changes anymore.

2. Read More

A goal I have been working on throughout the year but honestly, there were many days that it was absolutely flooded with work and too tired to even read a page. I noticed that reading books usually works the best for me when I am traveling or taking the time to be by myself in my own little zone.
I recently purchased the book “Get your sh*t together” by Sarah Knight and I really want to focus on implementing the tips. This will also hopefully help me achieving my own goals for 2018 and in the long run.
My goal is to get more into my own zone and make reading more of a habit than Netflix should be.

3. This Social Media Thing

I finally want to learn how this whole Social Media thing works. As an international Marketing student, I think its super interesting how this whole digital marketing biz works and how to use these channels properly. Let’s be honest, I suck at Twitter and only used Pinterest for ideas before and had no clue on how to post a damn thing. Creating an own outreach is a total different thing. Not only would I love to interact with more people on each of the channels, but also learn how to create better content and photos.

4. Get This Blog Workin’

Something similar to the Social Media is to blog a whole lot more. I try to make the once a week post a thing, but have a feeling that sometimes that’s not enough. I worked pretty hard on my blog this summer but really need to invest more time to get it going. My days are usually pretty packed with University stuff, work, my social life and getting my workouts in, so I really had to force myself to find some time for the blogging. And I honestly love it so I want to make sure to plan in more time. Similar to my social media channels, I would love to get post better content and pictures!

5. Living A Lot More In The Moment

Lately, I haven’t been on my phone anymore as much as I used to. And it’s so so refreshing! On New Year’s my phone was completely dead, and I really didn’t care. For the very first time I didn’t take a picture or video of the fireworks and our celebrations, I just enjoyed the moment with my boyfriend, his family and friends.
We had an amazing night and I want to cherish more moments like these.
Though, I do want to create better content and pictures for the blog and Social Media, I think I can use this goal by making more use of my actual camera. I want to learn a lot more about photography - and leave my phone a lot more in the pocket!

I realized that all of the goals for 2018 have one thing in common: I want to learn more. Learn how to find balance, to organize myself better, find more me time. I want to learn how to switch from relaxing mode to work mode, and to take these digital channels serious.

In that case: What would you like me to blog about?


28 Kommentare:

  1. I'm sure you can do these just fine! I definitely want to grow my social media and read more as well too.

  2. Twitter is really easy to use once you figure it out! I'm a social media coordinator so I spend alllll my time thinking about those different platforms! You'll get the hang of them - promise!


    1. Haha Thank you Tori! I only worked with Twitter professionally but thats a different story than private starting off at 0 :) I hope I get the hang of it! ♥

  3. Great resolutions! I'm trying to read more myself!

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

    1. Yes, so far I could keep it up and read every evening :)

  4. What good resolutions! I made reading a priority in 2017 and I'm so happy about it!

    xoxo A

    1. How did it work out for you? I hope I keep it up ♥

  5. ahh good luck with your resolutions! If you're looking for a course on pinterest i just released mine and it covers all the things you mentioned wanting to learn! It's most a strategy for growth though! Currently on presale for $50! :-) let me know if you have any questions!

  6. I love reading- it really helps to calm me down at the end of the day and is a nice down time from looking at my phone!

  7. I want to read more this year too! I've already read one book so I'm off to a good start.

  8. Great goals! 2 and 4 are big ones for me this year too!

  9. I'm with you on striking a balance! I also go full steam or nothing at all. I need to work toward something that is maintainable and sticks!

  10. These are fantastic resolutions! I think striking a healthy balance is a great start, and everything else will fall in line underneath.

  11. These are all great, achievable resolutions, Karoline! I love reading and it's always a priority for me. I'm actually planning to cut back this year so I can read longer titles and classics instead of shorter books. Happy 2018!

  12. I need to get better at reading mroe this year!! These are such great goals and I wish you the best of luck in 2018!

  13. Living more in the moment is such a great one! Definitely something I'm working on too!

    1. Definitely! I want to enjoy the moments with my loved ones :) ♥

  14. Great resolutions Karoline! I also try to approach health in a balanced manner and I want to read more this year too!

    1. Perfect, I hope youre achieving your goals as well ♥
